If you're a restaurant owner, you've spent many hours perfecting your menu and then training everyone on how to prepare and present it properly. Each item goes to the table looking perfect every time, just the way you planned, but is the food your customers see the same food depicted on your menus, in house advertising, mailings or on social media? Do you take photos and then hurriedly post to Instagram even though you know your menu creations look way better than the photo? If so, you need to stop that NOW! The photos that represent your establishment need to not only make the food look good, but they need to make it look even better than in real life!
Carls, Jr. is great at this. On the left is a photo from one of their ads, and on the right is what I was served on a recent visit.
Let Us Help
You know you have the best food this side of the Mississippi, but if the visual images associated with it are showing something else, you're probably loosing customers without even knowing it. Contact us today and let's show the world what they're missing!