Bob's Pepperpot
  1. 3 lbs of meat- beef, lamb, pork, or goat (I used goat for this recipe)
  2. 1 cup cassareep
  3. 4-5 cinnamon sticks (not ground)
  4. 1 1/2 inch orange peel
  5. 6-8 cloves
  6. 1-2 wiri wiri peppers
  7. 1/2- 3/4 cup brown sugar
  8. 1 1/2 tsp salt
  9. 16 cups water
  1. Steam the meat for about 15 minutes so that all the fat can be removed.
  2. Once you have steamed the meat, remove any dangling pieces of fat. Discard the liquid in the pot. In another large pot, add meat, cassareep, and all other ingredients. Add the water and boil until the meat is tender and until the broth has reduced by three-quarters, a few hours.
  3. Adjust salt to suit your tastes.
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